Need your ex-back or wish to save your relation?

Are you longing to get your ex-back, or improve your relation with your girl-friend/sweetheart/fiancée/life-partner, which is almost about to break?

Then this is the perfect place for you to seek help!

You can find all kinds of relationship advices, which would prove highly useful to save a relationship on the verge of a total cut-off, and even to assist you in winning back your ex!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Getting over a relationship break up

Getting over a relationship break up

When people have a long lasting relation put to an end lately, then most certainly they may have hard time getting over a relationship break up. If you are also facing such a situation then you remember that this is not simply the end of the world and you should believe in the fact that whatever happened was for betterment of your future life and need to be strong.

It’s quite obvious that people spend sleepless night a long time, but if you are doing the same thing then you should probably ask yourself for how long can you do it, and most importantly why. Although getting over a relationship break up is not very easy, so in such cases you should rather try to divert your mind in some or the other way.

This is always the best time to try something new in your life. Different people have different perceptions regarding this, as some of them resort to a break off and plan a vacation, while few decide to increase the work load to keep their life busy, for getting over a relationship break up!

The other ways of getting over a relationship break up include widening of the activities of your interest; so many people even try to learn playing musical instruments like violin, guitar or piano. While quite a few spend most of their time reading books for getting over a relationship break up, many even prefer do just take a break and have a kind of social cut-off from every one. This is however not a very good choice as this is the time you need the support of your friends and family, most badly.

The important thing in getting over a relationship break up, is giving yourself enough time to understand what happened and probably it will give you more peace of mind, for good.

The last thing that you should possibly do in such cases would be to try and force the issue again, which could possibly just give you more pains and disturbances in life. Just remember that life is precious and every new day has a new hope and something to offer you that could give you a strong reason to cheer about. Having this kind of attitude would most certainly in getting over a relationship break up.

Just try to forget the past, take control over your emotions to ensure a better tomorrow!

Ways to end relationships

Ways to end relationships

When everything fails and none of your options seem to work, then perhaps its time for you to end such a relationship. While saying the term end a relationship doesn’t literally mean ending it all the way always and there are actually many ways of ending relationships.

One of the ways of ending relationships includes the typical impulsive way with “to hell with you” sort of attitude, putting a full stop to a damaged relationship all of a sudden. But beware of the fact that if the relationship had matured quite a bit then not only just your partner, but rather you would also suffer emotionally for quite a long time by adopting such a severe way to end the relationship.

So it would be wise to keep yourself calm and possibly try to end the relationship on a relatively positive note. Probably you could consider that this is the best thing to do, as the relationship is going nowhere so ending it, would perhaps be result in betterment of the situation.

Another way to end relationships is the concept of the still being ‘just friends’ in future, but putting an end to the commitments and the relationship as a whole, in a way. Although this is considered to be one of the ways to end relationships but in a more realistic sense it still leaves good chances of getting your ex back in future. So if you feel that probably things are not right at the moment and the situation is truly out of control but over time there is a possibility of something positive to happen, then this is the best way to end your relationship, for time being.

Moreover you must also keep in mind that it’s just not the matter of considering the better ways to end relationships, but rather even possibly thinking over the ways to sustain it as well, by patiently analyzing whatever happened with an unbiased opinion and having that “let-go off” feeling in your heart.

You must remember that it doesn’t really matter how you end a relationship today, but it’s most certain that the memories of a matured and intense relation will surely haunt you for a long time. In many cases it has been seen that the impact of ending an emotionally intense relationship has been as painful as losing the loved one fore ever, in an accident or similar cases.

So just remember that it could very well be your decision of the lifetime, hence make sure that you keep the option of ending a strong existing relationship to be your last resort!

Friday, February 13, 2009

How to get your ex girlfriend back

Sometimes it just happens that certain relationships end so suddenly that you don’t get enough to analyze the situation properly to weigh your decision in all possible ways. As a result later on you realize the value of your ex girlfriend in your life and feel that you still love her. The mere fact that you are seeking advice on “how to get my ex girlfriend back” shows that you still have deep affection for your ex partner.

Well in such cases perhaps any advice on getting your ex girlfriend back may or may not work, but more importantly you can always try your level best to get back your lost love. The very first thing that you need to do is go patiently analyze the past and discover actually what happened and where did the things go wrong. Once you have done that it will be a lot easier to try to get your ex girlfriend back in your life, by ensuring that you don’t repeat those mistakes again ever.

As a matter of fact, there could be no one to give you advice on getting your ex girlfriend back better than some one who has already been through all this and done it, so depending upon your case, these things will certainly help you in some way or the other.

In most of the cases relationships break due to lack of effective communication between the partners and it could very easily be the case with you as well. If you intend to get your ex back then the key is to give enough space to your girlfriend, but still keep in touch. Probably it would be best to break the contact momentarily for about a couple of weeks or more, and then take the initiative to restore contact through an email or a text message.

Moreover it’s very crucial not to lose your self respect and pleading, begging, making non stop phone calls or sending flurry of emails will certainly never help you to get your ex girlfriend but rather add to your pains.

To get your ex girlfriend back, all you need to do is to heal the damage done in past, show her that you still love her and want her back in your life. A few casual calls once in a while will surely help you in this regard, but don’t give her the impression that you are desperate by claiming that whatever happened was totally your fault as it will push her away from you. At the same time, try to show her that you have learnt from your mistakes and are looking forward to a healthier relationship in future.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

All about relationships!

All about relationships - What can you find on this site...??

You will get everything about relationships, and find related to the following topics:

Relationship dating techniques

-through chat over internet

-body language

-through dating websites

-miscellaneous tips

Ways to end relationships

-decide your way

-total break up

-try to be friends

-be cool

-other tips

How to prevent abusive relationships

- consulting a mediator

-take help

-more tips

People in swinger relationships

-what are swingers



- how long do these relations work

Does my ex still love me quiz

-finding out his/her attitude

-whether s/he has a soft corner for you

-things that you can do to discover the inner feelings

-more tips

Are you really in love

-what are your feelings about him/her

-how strong are they?

-personal opinions

-your ways of defining love

Future love predictions

-assessing the present life


-tips to improve relation

-the inferences drawn from past & present scenario

Real love spells I can perform:

-power of words

-ways to make up

-your skills in resolving the issues

-personal tips

Help me save my marriage

-consulting a marriage counselor

-mutual settlement of disputes

-showing your affection

How can I save my marriage?

-the issues

-it’s never too late

-various ways for survival

-keep the faith alive

-don’t give up try to make up the relation

How to save your marriage when you have been unfaithful

-admit your mistake

-beg pardon

-give assurance that such a thing will never happen again

-explain the scenario that forced the issue

Saving a marriage activities

-marriage counseling

-common issues

-solving problem

-mutual settlements

how to win back an ex

-understanding the partner’s problems

-active listening

-facing the problems

-reassuring your partner

Advice on how to get my ex girlfriend back

-winning the trust back

-showing your affection

-hear out your partner

-don’t avoid the matter

Getting over a relationship break up

-initial problems

-it’s not easy but you must move on

-life is not too short

-looking forward to a better tomorrow

How to get over a romantic breakup

-the pain

-tips to get over

-forget the past

-don’t let past & present spoil the future

Bad breakup letters

-adding to your troubles

-ways to get over

-do’s and don’ts

-personal tips

How to get over sudden breakup

- Don't dwell

- Take the time to understand what happened.

- Give yourself time to overpower your emotions

- Moving on

- Try something new

How to survive a breakup

-confess the mistakes

-effective communication

-do’s and don’ts

-other tips

Do married men ever leave their wives?



-reasons behind the cause

-what next

Relationships jealousy insecurity


-how & why

-do’s and don’ts


-other tips

How to stop jealousy

-understanding the relation

-avoiding unnecessary confrontation

-different tips to stop jealousy

-do’s and don’ts

What causes jealousy?

-less attention to spouse

-personal interaction with others

-personal secretary of opposite sex

-closeness with any pal of opposite sex at workplace

How to prevent abusive relationships

How to prevent abusive relationships

In a relationship, trust is very important indeed, but at times it might turn back on you and put you in a world full of troubles. Abusive relationships are all about trusting some one blindly, but getting physically hurt as well as pushed beyond tolerance limits mentally. So it’s very essential to know its symptoms, causes and ultimately the details of how to prevent abusive relationships.

As a matter of fact, as the saying goes “love hurts” doesn’t hold true in literal meaning, so if you think your partner loves you, then he/she must never harm you physically. If you are in middle of such a situation, wherein you are desperate to know how to prevent abusive relationships then here are certain things that will help you out.

One important aspect about abusive relationships is the fact that it need not be a physical abuse always, and mental abuse like teasing, bullying, and humiliating others beyond an extent may cause mental trauma. In fact, threats, intimidation, putdowns, and betrayal are all harmful forms of emotional abuse that can really hurt and leave a long lasting impact on the future as well. So it’s important to stay safe and learn how to prevent abusive relationships, in order to avoid such a horrible fate.

The important signs of an abused relationship include unknown marks on body, bruises, secretive behavior, abnormal withdrawal from social activities and likes of it. So if you notice a friend suffering similar time, it’s about time for you to go and share a few tips about how to prevent abusive relationships, with your pal.

The most pitiful part is that if you ask yourself the question how to prevent abusive relationships then guess what! Probably you would know some of the answers yourself as the best way is always to seek advice from elders.

If you have been physically abused then it’s time for you to put an end to such a pathetic abusive relationship! Don’t ever feel that you can’t do anything to prevent it, or it’s your destiny to bear the sufferings. You may even seek assistance from police in such abusive relationships as well.

Last but surely not the least, before you try to know more about how to prevent abusive relationships, the first thing you must do is to save yourself if you are already involved in such a relationship presently.

The key in preventing such abusive relationships, is to quickly identify the situation when your relationship is moving in wrong direction and seek help before it totally turns out to be abusive. Always remember, don’t be afraid to seek out help as they would be your best bet in such cases!

Good ways to Ways to end relationships

When everything fails and none of your options seem to work, then perhaps its time for you to end such a relationship. While saying the term end a relationship doesn’t literally mean ending it all the way always and there are actually many ways of ending relationships.

One of the ways of ending relationships includes the typical impulsive way with “to hell with you” sort of attitude, putting a full stop to a damaged relationship all of a sudden. But beware of the fact that if the relationship had matured quite a bit then not only just your partner, but rather you would also suffer emotionally for quite a long time by adopting such a severe way to end the relationship.

So it would be wise to keep yourself calm and possibly try to end the relationship on a relatively positive note. Probably you could consider that this is the best thing to do, as the relationship is going nowhere so ending it, would perhaps be result in betterment of the situation.

Another way to end relationships is the concept of the still being ‘just friends’ in future, but putting an end to the commitments and the relationship as a whole, in a way. Although this is considered to be one of the ways to end relationships but in a more realistic sense it still leaves good chances of getting your ex back in future. So if you feel that probably things are not right at the moment and the situation is truly out of control but over time there is a possibility of something positive to happen, then this is the best way to end your relationship, for time being.

Moreover you must also keep in mind that it’s just not the matter of considering the better ways to end relationships, but rather even possibly thinking over the ways to sustain it as well, by patiently analyzing whatever happened with an unbiased opinion and having that “let-go off” feeling in your heart.

You must remember that it doesn’t really matter how you end a relationship today, but it’s most certain that the memories of a matured and intense relation will surely haunt you for a long time. In many cases it has been seen that the impact of ending an emotionally intense relationship has been as painful as losing the loved one fore ever, in an accident or similar cases.

So just remember that it could very well be your decision of the lifetime, hence make sure that you keep the option of ending a strong existing relationship to be your last resort!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to get over a sudden breakup

Sometimes it happens that before you realize everything, it’s all over and you could find yourself down and out, wondering how to get over sudden breakup. Well initially you must ensure not to dwell, as it would only add to your dismay.

It’s not just you, in most of the cases such a sudden breakup may cause significant mental disturbance. At times, the effects of a typical sudden breakup may cause severe mental trauma, which could be as strong as loss of a loved one in case of death.

In such case instead of trying to figure out how to get over such a sudden breakup, you should rather give yourself sufficient amount of time to think over what happened and its reason. The key here is not to get into the never ending vicious circle of thinking what can be done about whatever but rather to figure out how to get over it.

At such times, your close pals are very crucial as you would need their support very badly. To get over such a sudden breakup, you should try to keep your mind pre-occupied most of the times, once you have analyzed whatever has happened and you must let it go for good!

It’s always advisable to mingle with your pals and family and not try to cut-off yourself from every one as it will only make things worse. Reading novels, comic books, watching television, listening to music, chatting with your friends would be very handy in succeeding in getting over a sudden breakup.

Moreover, you must also understand that these things would help you only momentarily, but in the longer run your strong will power would be most useful in getting over sudden breakups.

So remember that every thing is momentary, and so are such sudden break-ups. Take a breather, give yourself sometime to get over whatever happened, and learn to start afresh. And if you think whatever happened wasn't right then calm down your emotions and behave sensibly, to try and get your ex back!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The key factors behind jealousy and insecurity in relationships

The key factors behind jealousy and insecurity in relationships... Beware of these!

Usually it happens that insecurities begin to dwell up even in healthy relationships over time, and one of the most powerful behind it is jealousy. More often than not, people tend to forget the basic instincts of human nature and this basically results in jealousy and ultimately sows the roots of insecurities in life.

It’s always important to maintain proper interactions with your partner on a daily basis consistently to avoid insecurities, as most of the times just couple of intimate sentences serve the purpose of clarification of all the problems.

Despite being in a relationship, many a time people often get too close to their pals of opposite sex at work place or outside. It doesn’t matter whether it is intentional or not, but if it’s noticed by your partner then most probably this will cause jealousy, giving rise to a feeling of insecurity in the relationship. In this regard it’s very important to keep such interactions open to your partner and tell them that it’s not a matter to feel insecure about the relationship.

Moreover you must also re-assure your partner that their place is special in your heart, and there’s no one else in your life. Doing so greatly avoids scope of any jealousy or feeling of insecurity.

As a matter of fact, it’s not wrong to have close interactions with your good pals and it’s perfectly fine if your best pal belongs to opposite sex. But you must draw a line to the limits of the friendship and interaction, and ensure that you don’t cross it to avoid insecurity in your present relationship.

Furthermore it has also been observed that most of the times, the feeling of insecurity begins to dwell within your partner more and more, creating lack of confidence in you with every passing day, mainly on account of jealousy. Such a feeling of insecurity would give rise to frustration, a feeling of dissatisfaction, dismay and discontent within your partner and this may certainly do irreparable damages to your present.

So the key to avoid any possibility of feeling of jealousy and ultimately sense of insecurity in your relationship is to possibly ensure effective communication with your partner, providing scope of crystal clear view of all the happenings in your present life, thereby clearing any doubts creeping up inside him/her.

Last but not the least, you must always remember that hiding anything will only create problems, to just clear out things at that very moment to avoid any chances of creation of feeling of jealousy and insecurity in your relationship!

How to win your ex back? -keep the faith alive!

How to win your ex back!

More often than not, after a break up people realize the importance of their partner and intend to win back an ex in their life. Well if same is the case with you then the good news is that it’s probably still not too late and there are good chances to win your ex back.

The key in winning back an ex, is to keep communicating with your partner constantly, as most of the times smaller misunderstandings turn out to be the roots of bigger problems in life. It is quite possible that you wouldn’t have been in this position today probably if you would have communicated more with your partner and in a more effective manner to resolve your issues.

However it is still not the end of the world as you still have the chances to win back an ex, simply by first of all sitting back and having a brief discussion over whatever happened. The key of your success lies in hearing out your ex and responding effectively my probably nodding your head and trying to settle the matter at that very moment if it’s possible.

Although it’s very true that all the matters can not be really resolved, but it’s not about the resolution of the conflict. The decisive factor in winning your ex back is helping him/her to let out her feelings thereby giving a feeling of importance. Moreover make that you listen to every single word thoroughly, with utmost care throughout the conversation.

Quite often, relationship counselors are a good way of doing this as in many cases when direct interaction don’t pay off well, then seeking advice from such counselors may prove useful to win back an ex. But ultimately even any counselor would just help you in interacting better with your ex so as to merely facilitate you in winning him/her back, but still your success would greatly lie in your deeds and present attitude.

So if you still wondering about how to win back an ex, then just remember that it’s not about how you do it. The bottom line is basically to ensure that you maintain proper communication with your ex, learn from your mistakes, show your loved one how much you care about him/her and that you look forward to a re-union in future.

Also remember that break-ups are always painful and after having a long and deep relation, no one intends to break it simply, and your actions are mainly responsible for whatever happened. So in most of the cases, if you action sensibly, over a period time you would be certainly successful to win back an ex, and if you don’t them just consider that the relation wasn’t strong enough to last for a lifetime!

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